EDIT designs is a house which specializes in brand identity design. EDIT Designs promoted by creative professionals, with experience of par excellence takes your brand building process to another level. we believe that presentation skill is needed with experience of Market situation in Marketing. EDIT's creative, experienced & professional team has developed their skills in all media which required for Marketing. Creativity has no limits in all media and it is a combination of creativity, concepts and technology promoting your products and brand.
Online presentation, catalogues, Print Media, Catalogue Printing, e-catalogues, CD presentation, Brand building with Brand mascot or celebrity endorsement are the essential media by which anyone can promote their business or activities. It is always important how to present than what to present. In general we have the concept that these media is just for selling the products which is not cent percent correct. These media is to convey the product details or the activities of organization which helps in the flow of work and the system as well as your brand image. EDIT Designs can measurably create innovative ideas for sales, economies costs, improve communication and enable a higher level of collaboration between you and your customers.
To provide complete solution to clients we have specialized in all media like catalogues, CD Presentations, Multi media presentation, Printing of Catalogues, Leaflets, Brochures, indirect branding materials like Letterhead, Envelopes, Visiting Cards. and add on service like Celebrity and Model province for shoots and brand endorsement.
If you want a new visual identity one stop solution it'd be a pleasure to talk.
Contact Info
+91 98250 48111 , [email protected]
+91 93769 48111 , [email protected]
+91 99305 91550 , [email protected]